If you get your own hosting server, you will find that server administration differs from shared website hosting account management. It is because shared accounts are set up on physical servers, which are managed by the hosting provider, while in the event that you have a hosting server of your own, the server supervision tasks will be your responsibility. These include software installation procedures and updates, supervising and restarting procedures, etcetera., so if you do not have very much practical knowledge or you cannot spend much time on this kind of tasks, you should use the administration services we offer with our server packages. These include a huge number of web server management tasks which our system admins and technical support team shall take care of, so you can concentrate on creating and developing your websites or on running marketing and advertising campaigns to bring in more potential customers.

Administration Services in VPS Servers

Our optional services can be added to any of the VPS servers plans we offer and we are able to do a wide range of things to help you so that you'll not have to deal with them. Our system administrators will keep the machine OS up-to-date irrespective of which of the available OSs you've selected during the registration procedure. They will keep track of the virtual private server 24/7 and will reboot it if an issue appears. They'll also help you set up server-side software or conduct other custom tasks which you require. What’s more, they'll set up backups on a weekly basis to make sure that in case you delete something by accident or if some files get damaged, they'll be restored. You may order all these services simultaneously or you can add them to your virtual private server plan individually, depending on what things you need to do yourself and what things you want to leave to us.

Administration Services in Dedicated Servers

You shall be able to include the administration services that we offer to any of our dedicated servers regardless of the Operating System or hosting Control Panel you have chosen. Our admins can keep track of your hosting server and the processes running on it 24/7, so when required, they will reboot it to restore its proper operation. They could also update the hosting server Operating System with the most recent security patches. Moreover, they're able to keep a backup of your files and databases on a separate server, in order to make sure that no matter what happens, your data shall be undamaged. Our administrator team may also perform any other custom tasks such as setting up some software which you have acquired and that you wish to use, or troubleshooting script-driven applications - if they do not work effectively. Any of these services could be added to your dedicated web server plan whenever you want either independently or all at once, so you can decide how involved you want to be in the hosting server management process.