In the hosting world, overselling means advertising characteristics that a client pays for, but can’t really take advantage of. Several of the attributes of a given web hosting solution can fall under this category - HDD storage, traffic, database storage space, etcetera. A plan may come with unlimited disk space, for instance, however almost all hosting service providers create accounts on a single server which can have only so many hard disks and due to the fact that all the customers upload content, there'll be no space left on the server at some point or there'll be some secret quotas in order to make sure that each client has their share, though everybody has paid for limitless space. Since most internet hosting Control Panels are developed to work on one server, lots of providers don't have any choice but to oversell, that is nothing else but tricking their clients.

No Overselling in Cloud Web Hosting

Overselling is not something we do and we have no reason to do such a thing because our outstanding cloud platform allows us to provide the attributes that we offer as part of our cloud web hosting solutions. Every element of the service for instance the file and database storage, e-mail addresses, and so on, is handled by its individual cluster of servers, which gives us more adaptability and scalability when compared with all Internet hosting providers that work with Control Panels intended to function on a single machine. We use our tailor-made Hepsia software tool, which has been created to work in the cloud and due to the fact that we can add more disk drives or servers to every cluster that needs them any time, we simply have no reason to oversell. If you register for one of our plans, you will really enjoy all resources that you have paid for.

No Overselling in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server packages come with numerous unlimited features, but in contrast to other service providers, we don't oversell and we can actually afford to provide unrestricted disk space or databases. What lies behind our assurance is an advanced cloud platform that includes a number of clusters, each controlling a certain service - website files, emails, stats, databases, etcetera. As we can add as many hard drives or servers to any of the clusters as required, we can virtually never run out of resources, so if you pay for anything unrestricted, you will truly receive it. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel was created exclusively for this custom cloud setup, so when you use a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you can get the most out of your websites.